Construction continues on Woods House at our Hill Road Houses community in Accord. Framing is complete and the house has been sheathed. Concrete has been poured for the floor,...
We’re thrilled to share the beautiful photos below of the almost complete Cat Hill! Since our last update, our contractors have been working on installing the last of the interior...
We’ve been moving forward with construction on the next two Hill Road Houses and today we’re sharing new photos of Woods House. Hill Road Houses Construction Update:...
We’re very excited to share new professional photos of Hill Road Black with you today! Construction Complete: Hill Road Black Construction is complete...
There’s been a lot of interior construction progress on Cat Hill and we’re excited to share new photos with you today! Cat Hill is really starting to look like...
We’re starting construction on the next two homes at our Hill Road Houses community in Accord! Eventually each will be named for the unique splashes of color integrated...
Construction on Cat Hill continues to progress swiftly! Our team of contractors has been steadily moving forward on this custom modern home all summer. The charred siding...
We have lots of FUN construction progress on Cat Hill to share with you today! Our team has been moving steadily along on this project since our last update. The wall of windows...
We’re thrilled to share new professional photos of Chalet Perche with you today! You may remember that even though construction was completed last fall, we held off on final...
There’s been a lot of activity on site at Waterfalls Properties, as our contractors are moving forward on Cat Hill. And we’re very excited to share new photos...