As summer inches ever closer, we’re back to dreaming about outdoor spaces. As many of you already know, we designed a much-loved deck at TinkerBox. While it’s not a typical roof deck it is technically a deck over the roof of the workshop so we decided that it counts for the purposes of this post. Currently, one of our homes at Catskill Terraces features an available roof deck & garage addition similar to the deck at Tinkerbox. Check out Canopy if you haven’t already!
Studio MM Architect , the design team behind all of our homes, has shared some roof deck design inspiration that they’ve used while designing Canopy and some other homes. For more inspiration of roof decks be sure to check out this post. We thought it would be fun to share some of our own inspiration for these two projects. We love how roof decks can come in many shapes and sizes, and can feature pools, gardens, and their own unique views.

garage roof deck on TinkerBox
Design Inspiration: Roof Decks
HUUS by in situ studio photographed by Keith Isaacs
Tilt Roof House by BCHO Architects photographed by Sergio Pirrone
Jungle House by Studio MK27 – Marcio Kogan + Samanta Cafardo photographed by Fernando Guerra
Nanton Residence by BLA Design Group photographed by Andrew Latreille
El Almendral House by Alse Taller de Arquitectura + Luz Marina Restrepo Pérez photographed by Isaac Ramírez Marín
Chalet in Oka by Paul Bernier Architecte photographed by Raphaël Thibodeau
Amagansett Addition by Resolution: 4 Architecture photos from 4 Architecture
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